Friday, November 14, 2008

The Enamored Owl

Celebrating two years since I did a piece called "The Enamored Whale" which by the way has become in one of the more popular pieces in my portfolio now I have done a new piece inspired by that particular one, and probably the second of enamored creatures series. If you want to drop ideas n my brain what creature you guys would like to see in the future?
I really hope you like it!


  1. I love your style, your tones are wonderful, and your illustrations gives me a sense of plyful peacefulness..

  2. Está tremenda esta ilustración...los colores, las texturas y todos los detalles...
    y si se pueden dar ideas para nuevos personajes...qué tal un pulpo (octopus) enamorado?
    Un abrazo!

  3. Incredible. I hope you sell prints of this soon. I'd love to have one to match the Enamored Whale print I've got.

  4. love this piece, this would be so great if it was a cut and stained wood relief sculpture - very nice. Also really like the Enamored Whale a couple posts back.

  5. The enamorated whale- from the sea.
    The enamorated owl- from the night.
    maybe something from the sky, tucan? eagle?
    something small? something big? something from earth and water? like a crab? enamorated cangrejo ?


  6. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Hola!, quiero felicitarte por tu excelente trabajo, visite tu portafolio y la pag. de robotmania esta geeeeenial, diseño, color, composicion, interactividad con el usuario, tooodo; agregarle space invaders con diseño tuyo fue la cereza en el pastel, solo puedo decir wauw; eres una inspiracion para jovenes diseñadores como yo.

  7. I love love love your style. GREAT work!

  8. I just recently got the opportunity to visit the very beautiful and very unique city of portland, oregon. I got the chance to swing by the Saturday Market and I came across some little wallets made out of leather that were in the shape small owls and other woodland creatures. I am curious if you have ever seen what i'm talking about and if you were ever inspired by this amazing little things? IF you haven't seen them, I suggest you should check them out. I can see how some one with an artistic mind could be inspired with the culture in Portland!

    I would be interested in seeing your take on a Platypus. I believe you would have fun with that!

  9. I very like your style. Especially ur texture,pattern and tone^^

  10. tienes stylo! me gusta tu trabajo!

  11. shoo-hoo.
    i'd like to see a jellyfish.
    with jellythings in da jellyhead.

  12. I very like your blog, so i give you an award of artistic blog. The award designed by Ken and given by my friend. I would like to give this award to you. Wish you could go to my blog and take a look for this award. Thanks and keep going on.

  13. hOla AlbErtO !!!, cOmo sI no fUera sufIciente, El saBEr qUe adeMas de cOmpartIr y hacer tus Obras para nOsotrOs tUs seguidOres, tu pubLico; tienes además la gentileza de leer nuestras impresiones, quejas, criticas y para mUchos el Impacto qUe cReas en nuestra alma cuaNdo la alimentas con Tus creaciones,esto hacE de TI una perSona qUe las palaBras no bastarian para explicar o definir pero una podria ser EXTRAORDINARIO, Esta hermosooo ente nuevo enamorado guardo la esperanza de algun dia ver un dragon o un conejo igual o mas enamorado =).Por el momento yo sigo enamorada de ti ( trabajo )... Muchos saludos y un abrazO =)

  14. magnificas ilustraciones ^_^
    Tienen mucha personalidad!

  15. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Wow, I just stumbled across your blog and am blown away. Fantastic stuff!!!

    Any chance of an enamored chameleon?

  16. Hi,
    this work is so nice.
    I draw illustrations too.I like your style!!

  17. I'd love to see an enamored crocodile. I like the thought of non-cuddly animals being enamored.

  18. Is there something they are enamored with that they can look at? It would be really cool to have like a pair of these "enamored" creatures on two seperate prints hanging on a wall facing each other!

  19. Rosi, Brasil10:56 AM

    nossa teu trabalho é lindo
    amei todos os desenhos!!!
    lindo lindo lindo



  20. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Box turtle?

  21. Love this so very much!
