Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Melancholic Cat

My wife asked me to make an illustration based in an old song she likes called Un Gato en la Obscuridad of the brazilian singer Roberto Carlos The song is about love memories of a guy who miss his old love and there is a blue cat who was witness of their love, anyway is a sad song with a blue cat.


  1. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Prefiero mil veces tu ilustracion que la cancion. Ja! ja!

    Tu trabajo artistico es bello, Alberto... Felicitaciones por el lanzamiento del blog. Ya mismo pongo tu feed en mi lista.

  2. Gracias Maria! Aunque debo decir que la canci'on tiene cierto toque de añoranza que me gusta, me recuerda un poco mi niñéz. Es un verdadero placer culpable...

  3. Your work is excellent.
    Do you do most of your layering of textures in photoshop? or do you by chance do the textures placed in illustrator.




  4. sweet work! Youre amazing!!!!!

  5. Thanks guys!
    John: Actually what I do, is create the over all path on Illustrator, the shapes and all the drawing, then I export everything on layers to Photoshop where I put all the color and textures.
